Can Senators be fired?

6–8 minutes to read

Can Senators be fired? The answer is Yes, and, No. The ‘No’ comes from those who say that the security of tenure of a Senator is unimpeachable. They point to Article 45 (3) of the Federal Constitution, ...

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Can a court grant a gag order?

7–10 minutes to read

When former prime minister Najib Razak was charged in court two days ago, the High Court, in the exercise of its criminal jurisdiction and powers, granted an interim gag order. Najib’s lawyer argued that Najib ...

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Do lawyers obey the law?

1 minute to read

Do lawyers obey the law? They must. You cannot argue in court about the rightness of a legal principle unless you are prepared to acknowledge its rightness. And obey it. But as there are bad doctors and bad ...

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What is the difference between ‘evidential burden of proof’ and ‘legal burden of proof’?

3 minutes to read

At first sight, these two concepts seem identical. They are not. If you wish to make litigation your career, you need a sound understanding of these concepts. It is not that difficult, really.

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Is the ex-Chief Justice right? Should the AG be appointed from the Judicial & Legal Services?

6–9 minutes to read

In an article entitled, ‘Is the new AG choosing his briefs like a private lawyer? [26 June 2018]’ the ex-Chief Justice, Tun Abdul Hamid Mohamed, suggests that the current Attorney General is unsuited to his job. He ...

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Our execrable Education System

4 minutes to read

Long ago, Lat drew a cartoon. It compared a study on mosquitoes carried out by a foreign scholar and a Malaysian one.  The foreign scholar is shown with a stack of books (volumes 1 to ...

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