The call of the legal profession

5 minutes to read

I was once asked to answer three questions at once.  I think it was on Quora. Since then a lot of people have expressed interest in the questions and the answers I gave. I reproduce them ...

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Where is Sarwari No.1 of 1994?

3 minutes to read

There is a  gem of a case on Islamic probate law.  It was decided in 1994. For some reason it has not been reported.  It is a great mystery. This is the story of that case A ...

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The tale behind these Constitutional essays

5 minutes to read

You have seen the articles emerging from this blog since 09 May 2018 — or ‘5-0-9’ as I called the GE14 (the date of May 09th, 2018). There is a story behind these articles. Their production and ...

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Can judges be hauled up before Parliament? How?

8–12 minutes to read

What happens when judges, bending like reeds in the wind, carry out the biddings of their political masters? Something extraordinary has to be done. Corrupt judges, past and present, ought to be publicly impeached. Can it ...

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Why the unholy rush to appoint a new Chief Justice and President of the Court of Appeal?

8–12 minutes to read

We are at it again. If a person makes an error once, one can attribute it to a lapse of judgement. If a person makes the same error repeatedly, something is not right. When the outgoing ...

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