Bolehkah Senator dipecat?

Artikel asal oleh: GK Ganesan Kasinathan; Penyunting: KN Geetha Terjemahan olehAlumni Fakulti Undang-Undang, UKM, SY Dharan Sharveen   Bolehkah Senator dipecat? Jawapannya ‘boleh’ dan ‘tidak boleh’. Orang yang mengatakan ‘tidak’ sebenarnya merujuk Artikel 45(3) Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang menyatakan tempoh ahli Dewan Negara tidaklah tersentuh dengan pembubaran Parlimen. Seseorang Senator boleh dilantik sebanyak 2 kali dan tempoh perkhidmatan digandakan iaitu 6 ...

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Keanjalan Atau Keliatan: Bolehkah Seorang Hakim Meletakkan Jawatan Dengan Satu Tarikh Terkemudian?

Artikel asal oleh: GK Ganesan Kasinathan; Penyunting: KN Geetha Terjemahan oleh: Alumni Fakulti Undang-Undang, UKM:- Sharvin Nair   Ketua Hakim Negara, Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan (KH) dan Presiden Mahkamah Rayuan (PMR) masing-masing telah menyerahkan surat perletakkan jawatan pada 7 Jun 2018 dan Yang Di Pertuan Agong telah menerima surat tersebut pada hari berikutnya. Difahamkan mereka (KH & PMR) telah menyatakan ...

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Adakah perlu peguam negara merupakan seorang melayu atau muslim? Adakah beliau harus memberi nasihat berkenaan undang-undang syariah?

Artikel asal oleh: GK Ganesan Kasinathan; Penyunting: KN Geetha Terjemahan oleh  Alumni Fakulti Undang-Undang, UKM:- Nur Fazreen Khalid, Nur Aimi Binti Che Soh Malathi Mohan Wan Aimi Shamimi Binti Abdullah Vrnda Sre  Nagindera Rao Cadangan pelantikan Peguam Negara yang baru telah menimbulkan kekeliruan dan salah tafsir di kalangan masyarakat khususnya mengenai peruntukkannya dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Kita harus mengenalpasti isu yang dipertikaikan. Wujud perdebatan ...

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Can one study law at the age of 50?

Of course. When I sat for the Bar exams, the guy next to me was Aaron Abraham. He was  then 59. We became friends.  I asked what had delayed him. He said he had to help out with the family. He had numerous brothers and sisters. He was the eldest. So it is customary in Malaysia ...

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Do you have a constitutional right to travel?

We have all heard that there is a right to freedom of speech, the right to peaceful assembly, and the right to form associations: Article 10, Federal Constitution. Do you have a right to travel?  Is it guaranteed in the Constitution? Article 9 of the Constitution states that ‘… every citizen has a right to move freely throughout ...

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The difference between a power and a right

A right is inherent. It does not have to be written down anywhere. For example, the right to life, the right to religious freedom, the right to speak freely, or the right to associate with anyone one chooses. Some writers refer to rights enshrined in the Constitution. These inalienable rights above are different, and far ...

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