In Malaysia, the phrase ‘rendered service to the nation’ appears to take on a different meaning, especially when invoked to justify the pardon of a corrupt politician. Odd, isn't it?
Read MoreWhat is ‘professional misconduct’?
Read MoreShould pupils be paid an allowance? Certainly
This is one story of my pupil-master, Dato Seri Gopal Sri Ram, who was at the time I went to train with him, one of the leading lights of the Bar. Looking back over the decades, the days I spent in his chambers are today as vivid and clear as they were then. Here is the story of the stipend.
Read MoreI came into the Malaysian Bar just under three decades ago. It was a personal battle to get into it; and it has been a battle ever since.
Read MoreThis is a true story of an unusual client: one who kept his word.
Read MoreWhat is the test for Leave to the Court of Appeal?
Actually, it is still open. Other than one dictum, s. 68(1)(a) seems open to different interpretations. So what should that test be?
Read MoreBetween elections, how many times can the King appoint a prime minister – or a State Ruler, a Chief Minister?
How many times can the monarch 'exercise' his constitutional, 'appointing discretion'? My view is: 'Once'. Why is that?
Read MoreWas the King wrong in refusing to proclaim an Emergency?
Can the King act against the Cabinet’s advice?
Read MoreCan the King refuse to appoint a Prime Minister chosen by the MPs?
The answer is ‘No’. His Majesty the King cannot ignore, delay or refuse the appointment of a Prime Minister, if the candidate has the support of the majority of the MPs in the House of Representatives.
Read MoreCan the King appoint an ‘Interim’ Prime Minister?
In short, No. Why?
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