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GK is a lawyer, and runs a YouTube channel called ‘GKtv Law’.

GK is a lawyer, and runs a YouTube channel called ‘GKtv Law’.

What is the difference between power and jurisdiction?

11–16 minutes to read

What do these two words mean? Are they interchangeable? Or are they different? If so, how?

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What should law students and young lawyers be taught?

8–12 minutes to read

There is a growing concern across the world on how lawyers are being trained. What is the lawyer’s role in society? Is it not to uphold justice? Where have we failed them?

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Can the courts stop a prime minister from suspending Parliament? [Part-2 of 2: What the Supreme Court said, and Why]

8–12 minutes to read

We saw in Part-1 of 2, the problems that beset the UK when it chose to leave the EU. Prime Minister Boris Johnson suspended Parliament because he wanted a Brexit ‘with no deal’. The ...

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Can the courts stop a prime minister from suspending Parliament? [Part-1: Johnson prorogues Parliament]

7–10 minutes to read

They can – as did the UK Supreme Court on 24 Sept 2019. The Court ruled that the PM Johnson’s advice to the Queen to suspend (‘prorogue’) Parliament had been unlawful. The Court declared ...

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Is a lawyer liable for negligence in the same way as a doctor?

11–16 minutes to read

A doctor carries out 3 duties: he diagnoses, advises and carries out a scheme of treatment for his patient. A lawyer does the same thing; only the methods vary. As do all professionals. Shouldn't their ...

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The people behind

… are a team of lawyers, writers and designers.

They simplify legal issues.

To what end?

To rebuild the nation by Rule of Law.

One article at a time.

GK Ganesan