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GK is a lawyer, and runs a YouTube channel called ‘GKtv Law’.

GK is a lawyer, and runs a YouTube channel called ‘GKtv Law’.

The powers of a briyani-infused paper

3 minutes to read

What is your view on briyani? Does it have magical powers? Justice Prasad Abraham, a former Federal Court Judge, recounts a second (real life) anecdote from his days at the Bar.

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The Mahaguru

4 minutes to read

Former Federal Court Judge Datuk Prasad Abraham is one of my favourite raconteurs. At the drop of a hat, he’d regale you with many a colourful tale. Here is a real-life anecdote from his days at ...

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Adakah penerimaan ICERD akan menggugat hak orang Melayu?

6–8 minutes to read

Apa itu ‘ICERD’? [Konvensyen Antarabangsa Mengenai Penghapusan Segala Bentuk Diskriminasi Kaum]? Adakah ia menjejaskan Hak Melayu yang ditegakkan dalam Perkara 153 Perlembagaan Persekutuan? Apa yang perlu dilakukan oleh Malaysia? Meratifikasinya, atau menolaknya? Bagaimanakah negara-negara Muslim ...

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Malay Rights, ICERD, Cikgu Khairuddin and Mr Nava

7–10 minutes to read

Shortly after the so called 'Malay Rights Provisions' were entrenched into the Constitution, two teachers, one ethnic Malay, and the other an ethnic Indian took a pupil - like so many others - and set ...

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Will Malaysia’s ratification of ICERD injure Malay Rights?

6–9 minutes to read

What is the 'International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination' (‘ICERD’)? Does it prejudice Malay Rights entrenched in Article 153 of our Constitution? What should Malaysia do? Ratify it, or denounce ...

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The people behind

… are a team of lawyers, writers and designers.

They simplify legal issues.

To what end?

To rebuild the nation by Rule of Law.

One article at a time.

GK Ganesan