Do the shoes of a lawyer speak of his character?
Read MoreBetween elections, how many times can the King appoint a prime minister – or a State Ruler, a Chief Minister?
How many times can the monarch 'exercise' his constitutional, 'appointing discretion'? My view is: 'Once'. Why is that?
Read MoreWas the King wrong in refusing to proclaim an Emergency?
Can the King act against the Cabinet’s advice?
Read MoreCan the King refuse to appoint a Prime Minister chosen by the MPs?
The answer is ‘No’. His Majesty the King cannot ignore, delay or refuse the appointment of a Prime Minister, if the candidate has the support of the majority of the MPs in the House of Representatives.
Read MoreWas the Speaker right to refer the Motion of No Confidence to a Minister of the Crown?
Last week, the Speaker of the Malaysian Parliament declared that to table, in Parliament, a Motion of No Confidence against the PM, the motion needed the 'permission' of the Law Minister. Since when has any Speaker abdicated his duties to a minister? Is the Speaker's role subordinate to that of a minister?
Read MoreDo we have a Speaker in Parliament?
Did you realise that Malaysia has become the focal point of major constitutional issues in the last few years? We have had all sorts of issues that have assailed the nation. Last week we had another. Here it is
Read MoreHaruskah Pekerja Perkhidmatan Penting ('Essential Services') dibayar gaji Berganda? Jawapannya ‘Tidak’. Tetapi Kerajaan harus mengubah keadaan ini. Adakah kerajaan akan berbuat demikian? Atau adakah Kerajaan akan menyuruh kita menggunapakai dari akaun KWSP?
Read MoreCan the government dismiss the Speaker of Parliament?
Can the Government remove the Speaker of Parliament?
Read MoreBolehkah Jawatan Yang di-Pertua Dewan Rakyat (‘Speaker’) dilucutkan oleh Kerajaan Malaysia?
YB Tan Sri Annuar Musa Setiausaha Agong UMNO telah memberi kenyataan media pada bulan Mac 2020 bahawa terdapat kemungkinan Kerajaan akan menggantikan Speaker Dewan Rakyat dalam persidangan parlimen seterusnya. Adakah ini betul? Saya berpendapat, tidak.
Read MoreMoney is not everything. A farmer taught me this many years ago. This is his story.
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