Which is supreme: the Constitution, the monarchy or some other power?

A Ruler's power to appoint a Chief Minister is all the rage. A blogger once wrote that the monarch could appoint his gardener as prime minister. Was he right? This minor question begets larger ones. For a start, (1) Is there a legal principle higher than the Constitution? (2) How should the Constitution be interpreted?

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Why do people decorate a Christmas tree?

The imagery of Christmas is all about. Adorned with colourful baubles, a living tree at the hearth. An array of twinkling lights, without. The promise of warm food. Strangers wishing each other, 'Merry Christmas!' And the melodies of carols in the wind. It is a time of prayer, supplication, charity and growth. And Joy. And in all of this, it is a time to celebrate the unity of an entire ...

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Why are we mollycoddling our public figures?

Why are we mollycoddling our public figures? There is a weapon far deadlier than a nuclear bomb. Words are the most powerful weapons in all the world.  So much so that a cautionary note penned in 1885 reads: - ‘Every word is endowed with a spirit … One word may be likened unto fire, another unto light, and the influence which both exert is manifest in the world.’ It has been said that a ...

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