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GK is a lawyer, and runs a YouTube channel called ‘GKtv Law’.

GK is a lawyer, and runs a YouTube channel called ‘GKtv Law’.

Have you ever heard of the Art of the Disappearing Counsel?

2 minutes to read

The skill of putting across a point requires the skill that infuses all the writings of all civilisation. It is the oldest skill in the world. And here it is!

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Traditions of the Bar (Video)

1 minute to read

Are the traditions of the Bar nothing more than stuffy old rules for men and women in fancy dress? Or is there some reason behind it all? Check this out!

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How to Win at the Trial Court (Video)

1 minute to read

Are there sure-fire techniques that make it easier to succeed at a trial court? Yes, there are. Here is a list of Secret Formulae on How to Win at the Trial Court. These Secret Techniques ...

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Is a Member of Parliament Your Trustee?

13–19 minutes to read

Is an MP disqualified from being an MP because he accepts wages from a third party? This is the wrong question to ask. Why?

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How to Win Civil Appeals (Video)

1 minute to read

How to Win Cil Appeals is PURE APPEAL TECHNIQUE. There are sure-fire techniques that make it easier to succeed in Civil Appeals. Here are some.

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The people behind

… are a team of lawyers, writers and designers.

They simplify legal issues.

To what end?

To rebuild the nation by Rule of Law.

One article at a time.

GK Ganesan