Why do Malaysian Ministers refuse to go on leave, or better still, resign, when their character in public office is called into question?

Ministers who suffer even a whiff of impropriety should immediately (1) make a public statement explaining the circumstances of the allegations against them; (2) allow space for enforcement agencies and Parliamentary Committees to do their investigation; and (3) go on leave.

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Should the Anwar Government implement Corruption Amnesty?

Corruption is enmeshed throughout the Government. It cannot be ripped out without damaging the nation. Can kleptocrats be allowed to return what they stole, and let off with a minor punishment? Could only the recalcitrant and the greedy be subjected to naming, shaming? Should their family and friends, who helped in corruption, be punished?

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Will Corruption Amnesty Work? [Part-2: Proposals]

This is Part 2 of the article entitled, ‘Will Corruption Amnesty Work?’ You’ll find part 1 here. We saw, in Part-1, how if we sack every corrupt person, we’d lose a substantial number of people in enforcement agencies, local governments, courts, and the Government. This is because corruption in Malaysia is deep-seated. So what? Corruption and State Capture Corruptions infects and emaciates a nation, its institutions and its people. It kills a just and efficient ...

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Will corruption amnesty work? [Part-1: Analysing the Problem]

Do you think corruption amnesty will work in Malaysia? Is it the right way to tackle endemic corruption? Analyse the problem. A question for your conscience Corruption is the abuse of public office for private gain – both pecuniary and otherwise. What if we gave every corrupt person a chance to come clean within 6 months? Only if they don’t admit their crime should we put them – and those who enjoyed the fruits of their ...

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Could we eliminate electoral fraud by improving election laws?

Could we eliminate electoral fraud by improving election laws? An election petition is a difficult thing. The law has ring-fenced it with several impenetrable technical rules.  Combating electoral corruption under the current, antiquated laws is impossible. After the results of the 13th General elections results were announced on 5 March 2013, I was asked, with a dozen others, to file election petitions for 22 constituencies in Perak. The petitions alleged that the winners ...

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