Do Malaysian non-Muslims have the fundamental right to worship?

The answer is, Yes. The Malaysian Federal Constitution, specifically Article 11(1), read with Art 3(1) and (5), guarantees every individual’s right to ‘profess’, ‘practice’, and, subject to certain laws prohibiting proselytisation to Muslims, to ‘propagate’ their religion. The Constitution therefore guarantees that non-Muslims have the same fundamental right of worship as do our Muslim counterparts. I will all tell you an interesting story at the end.

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Is the test for a stay of execution in personal injury cases, different?

The test for a stay of execution in personal injury cases involving the Road Transport Act 1987 (RTA) differs significantly from other civil cases. This essay examines the nuances of this test and addresses several key questions. It concludes that the test is far higher because of the operation of sec. 96(2)(b), read with ss.96(1) and 91(3) of the RTA. The other question is whether the insurer's 'right to intervene' ...

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