Juxtaposed Realities: Stories of Faith, Betrayal, and Justice
This piece is written by Mr. UK Menon, a law teacher and administrator.
Read MoreThis piece is written by Mr. UK Menon, a law teacher and administrator.
Read MorePrivate hospitals have long been escaping blame for their specialists’ negligence. When a specialist falls into a terrible error, should not the courts – as a matter of policy – hold private hospitals liable? If so, what should be the principle behind the policy?
Read MoreFirst the courts said, ‘No'. Then they said, ‘Yes’. Afterwards they said, ‘It depends’. What does it all mean to you - and your loved ones?
Read MoreYou rush an injured friend to the hospital. The A&E staff say, "Please wait, we're busy". Your friend succumbs to his injuries. If you sued the hospital, will you win?
Read MoreWhether mass civil disobedience can unravel a tyrannical government is a difficult question to answer. History reveals movements that have succeeded gloriously, or have failed miserably. A tyrannical government would be unfazed by any kind of disobedience. That is one aspect Much also depends on the location of the movement: what works in New York, London or Holland may not work in the Middle East, or some parts of Asia. That depends ...
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