Some say that the power of the King to grant a royal pardon is ‘absolute,’; that ‘no one can question it’. Is this correct?
Read MoreDarurat 2021: Kisah 108 lawan 34
Kisah ini menggambarkan keadaan negara sekarang.
Read MoreWhat is the test for Leave to the Court of Appeal?
Actually, it is still open. Other than one dictum, s. 68(1)(a) seems open to different interpretations. So what should that test be?
Read MoreWhen is the ‘Threshold Quantum’ in s.68(1)(a) CJA, to be determined?
Is it the time a claim is filed? Or after judgement? Eventually, the courts decided that the relevant quantum is at it was at the time its filing. Note that there is nothing logical about either of these positions.
Read MoreHow should the Constitution be interpreted?
Suppose you are not a lawyer. How should you interpret your constitution? Are there any tools available to do that? Read on...
Read MoreWhat is the legal consequence of Lim Guan Eng’s prosecution?
If you are an MP, and you are convicted of a crime, and if your sentence is not stayed by an order of court, then you cannot continue as an MP. You know what happened to Najib. Will that happen to Guan Eng?
Read MoreAdakah anda menyedari bahawa Malaysia telah menjadi tumpuan utama masalah perlembagaan dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini? Pada 13 Julai, Datuk Azhar Harun dilantik sebagai Speaker Parlimen. Adakah pelantikan Speaker baru sah? Beberapa persoalan timbul. Ini dibincangkan dalam atikel ini.
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