Can the courts stop a prime minister from suspending Parliament? [Part-1: Johnson prorogues Parliament]

They can – as did the UK Supreme Court on 24 Sept 2019. The Court ruled that the PM Johnson’s advice to the Queen to suspend (‘prorogue’) Parliament had been unlawful. The Court declared that Parliament could resume its work. This case is historic. The effect of this case will be felt for centuries. Why? Read on ...

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Which is supreme: the Constitution, the monarchy or some other power?

A Ruler's power to appoint a Chief Minister is all the rage. A blogger once wrote that the monarch could appoint his gardener as prime minister. Was he right? This minor question begets larger ones. For a start, (1) Is there a legal principle higher than the Constitution? (2) How should the Constitution be interpreted?

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Should party-hopping be outlawed?

The country has been suffering from two things during this rainy reason. The one is the flu. The other is the increasing cacophony of frogs in the night. This proliferation of amphibian love calls has had an odd effect on the local politicians. Some opposition politicians, it seems, have turned amphibian. Where is this all going to lead us? Should we outlaw it?

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