Adakah anda menyedari bahawa Malaysia telah menjadi tumpuan utama masalah perlembagaan dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini? Pada 13 Julai, Datuk Azhar Harun dilantik sebagai Speaker Parlimen. Adakah pelantikan Speaker baru sah? Beberapa persoalan timbul. Ini dibincangkan dalam atikel ini.
Read MoreDo we have a Speaker in Parliament?
Did you realise that Malaysia has become the focal point of major constitutional issues in the last few years? We have had all sorts of issues that have assailed the nation. Last week we had another. Here it is
Read MorePada 13 Julai, dua usul akan dibentangkan di Parlimen: (1) Usul Undi Tidak Percaya, dan (2) Usul Pemecatan Speaker yang sedia ada. Pada hari itu, adakah Ahli Parlimen kita akan bersuara dengan hati nurani atau mengikut arahan parti? Apa yang akan dilakukan oleh MP-MP kita pada 13 Julai?
Read MoreWill the MPs vote obeying their oath, or party lines?
Two motions are pending before Parliament: (1) Motion calling for a Vote of No Confidence against the PM; and (2) Motion for the Replacement of the current Speaker of Parliament. If the Speaker motion succeeds, the new Speaker can block the Vote of No Confidence. What will happen on the 13th?
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